Media storyboard hollyoaks
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Soap Task Script:

Scene 1: Roles and Responsabilities: Adam= Brendan, Liam = Steven/Anthony Matt=Michael Me=James

Characters Brendan and Steven are having a discussion in a corridor, outside Brendan’s office.

Steven: (Calling him over) Brendan!
Brendan: Not interested.
Brendan: (Holding wad of bank notes) There you go.
Steven: What’s that?
Brendan: A loan, so Amy doesn’t have to quit college.
Brendan: Take a small payment out of your paycheque each week, you won’t even notice.
Brendan: And Amy doesn’t have to give up on her dream.
Steven: Cheers.
Brendan: I like you Steven, you remind me of me.

Scene 2:

Character of James is stood outside a College. Character of Michael runs over to him, with a bag. They have a discussion. Character of Anthony runs over and confronts character of Michael.

Michael: *COMES OVER*
James: What did you do with his stuff?
Michael: (Sounding proud, and showing bag) It’s in here.

Character of Anthony runs towards character of Michael.

Michael: (Sounding scared) Anywhere but the face!
Anthony: I’m not gonna hit you, you muppet, not outside a school anyway.
Michael: (Throws the bag to Anthony) No hard feelings? I’d best be off.

Character of Michael exits the scene.

Anthony: You should have seen the look on his face, thanks for getting my stuff back.
James: You got it back, I just got him here. Were you really going to hit him?
Anthony: Doughnuts? Nah, I will get him back though.
James: I’ll be there.

Scene 3:

Steven walks into Brendan’s office, and they have a discussion, Steven leaves Brendan’s office.

(Shot of Brendan on the phone, in the forefront of the shot, with Steven watching in the background).

Steven: (Questioning, nervous) Who do you think you are, talking to me like that?
Brendan: Your boss, I can talk to you any way I like, ok.
Steven: *NODS*.
Brendan: (on the phone) Listen, don’t come here, don’t come here ever, if you get on that ferry, I will personally……………
Brendan: (Phone has gone dead) Hello…?

Brendan snaps phone, and proceeds to throw it against a wall, and then throws a pile of paper onto the floor, from his desk.

Brendan: (To Steven at the door): What do you want?
Brendan: (Angry, raging) SPEAK, YOU IDIOT!!
Steven: I just came to let you know that my shift’s finished now.
Brendan: (Angry, raging) SO!

We chose the staff room because it looked the most like a cafe and had a few people in so it set the scene well. We used camerawrok well twoards the beginning as a 'follow was being used to the show a shot which established the scene.

Fliming :

In general I think the filiming went well. We did a couple of lines of the scene at a time to ensure we got the task done quickly and efficiently. However, the only problem we had was being in the same postion when we restarted for example where our arms were etc. and this is unfortuantely evident on the trailer

I decided to use this as part of inspiration in making my own trailer. It clearly demonstrates the conventions you are likely to find in a trailer and I feel all camera shots aare executed perfectly. It begins with an establishing shot of the sqaure to clearly portray to the audeience where it is set and it works very well

The trailer then goes on to create an element of suspense with the non-diegetic music. I think this is used excelently to create a 'western' feel to it. I will now look to emulate some of the techniques and conventions within my own soap trailer